Clinical outcomes following mechanochemical ablation of superficial venous incompetence compared with endothermal ablation: meta-analysis.
Lim AJM, Abduraheem HM, Hitchman LH, Lathan R, Bharadhwaj R, Sidapra MM et al.
Br J Surg 2023; 110: 562-567.
Four randomized trials including 654 patients were analyzed. The rate of occlusions was lower after mechanical ablation: risk ratio of 0.85, 95 per cent confidence interval 0.78 to 0.91, P<0.000. There was no difference in pain during the procedure or clinical outcomes.
Comment: The role of mechanical ablation remains unproven. It doesn’t seem as effective as endothermal ablation, although the occlusion rate as an endpoint may not be ideal.
30 May 2023
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