Young BJS
24 May 2020
The Young BJS represents a community of early-career researchers with enthusiasm for surgical academia. The ethos is aligned with that of the BJS with a mission to promote excellence in clinical and scientific research. Specific goals of the group will be to network, educate, and innovate in surgical publishing on a global scale.
The Young BJS is led by surgical trainees under the guidance and governance of the BJS and BJS Open Editorial teams and the BJS Foundation. Membership is free of charge and open to everyone from junior consultants to medical students. All specialties and countries are welcome to join such that the resultant spectrum of research experience, career stage, and geographic distribution will provide a welcomed diversity to the community. Members should have a reasonable command of English but this is not essential.
The aim of Young BJS is to nurture the future leaders of surgical academia by
- Providing early-career researchers with an opportunity to gain editorial experience
- Encouraging national and international collaborative efforts
- Acting as an educational forum for surgeons-in-training
Editorial Experience
The Young BJS will provide members with the opportunity to complete formal certified training in reviewing journal manuscripts through the Young BJS Reviewer Mentoring Programme in collaboration with the Editorial team and board, the BJS Society, and the planned BJS Academy. Upon commendation trainees will enter the BJS reviewer database as certified Young BJS reviewers. They may then be invited by members of the BJS editorial team to review manuscripts.
Collaborative Work
The Young BJS will provide a platform to promote national and international collaborative projects. Members will have the opportunity to inform the community of studies involving multiple institutions, thereby encouraging connectivity among young researchers on a global scale.
The Young BJS will act as an educational forum for surgeons in training to develop a digital learning platform, complementing the aims of the BJS Academy. Members will be encouraged to complete BJS delivered or supported writing courses and workshops to develop their editorial skills.
The Young BJS will have a strong and vibrant social media presence through its own X account and posts on the BJS Cutting Edge blog. One of the specific goals of the group is balancing global disparities through better access to published works.
There is huge scope as to what we can achieve as a group with plenty of opportunities for members to participate in all aspects of the initiative. So far we have over 200 students and trainees involved from over 40 countries and representing every inhabited continent in the world.
So what can you do to get involved?
Enthusiasm is all that is required. Those interested in becoming part of Young BJS, please email your details including name, institution, career stage and specialty interest (if applicable) to We will inform you of upcoming projects, educational opportunities, and collaborative efforts.
We look forward to welcoming you.
The Young BJS coordinating team
(On behalf of the BJS / BJS Open editorial teams and BJS Foundation)
Part of the charitable activity of the Foundation, BJS Academy is an online educational resource for current and future surgeons.
The Academy is comprised of five distinct sections: Continuing surgical education, Young BJS, Cutting edge, Scientific surgery and Surgical news. Although the majority of this is open access, additional content is available to BJS subscribers and strategic partners.