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Editing in surgery: promoting your article after publication

BJS Academy is excited to offer ‘Editing in Surgery,’ a series of course videos from our BJS Institute partnership with the University of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Surgery Online team. Our part-time online surgical courses can be accumulated and contribute towards a Postgraduate Certificate in Surgical Writing and Evidence Based Surgical Practice, commencing in September 2024.

Fourth in the series, Matt Lee, former associate editor for social media at BJS Open, discusses how to promote an article after its publication.

Learn more about BJS Institute here:


Part of the charitable activity of the Foundation, BJS Academy is an online educational resource for current and future surgeons.

The Academy is comprised of five distinct sections: Continuing surgical education, Young BJS, Cutting edge, Scientific surgery and Surgical news. Although the majority of this is open access, additional content is available to BJS subscribers and strategic partners.

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Surgeon Training & Surgeons in Surgery