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BJS Academy SoMe Review for September 2022

Authors: Patricia Tejedor @tejedorpat, Anna Curell @annacurell, Rosa Jimenez Rodriguez @rosamjimenezrod, Julio Mayol @juliomayol

In September 2022, the first @BJSurgery tweet shared the link to the paper reporting the results of the international EUBREAST survey. The tweet can be seen here:

The article can be read here

On September 5th, the paper titled “Surgical services during the war in Ukraine” was tweeted by @BJSurgery. This article is free to access. The tweet can be seen here:

The article can be read here

@BJSurgery tweeted the leading article “Tranexamic acid for safer surgery: the time is now” on September 6th. The tweet can be seen here:

The paper can be read here:

On September 12th a new meta-analysis on non-operative management of appendicitis was tweeted by @BJSOpen. This was a very popular tweet, which had had 32 likes and 18 retweets by October 9th. You can see the tweet and a video-abstract here:

The paper can be read here:

On September 15th, the BJS Foundation announced the BJS Society Award for an exceptional surgeon who has made contributions that have changed surgical practice. This international award may very well become the new Surgical Nobel Prize. Nominations will open on October 12th.

Surgeons look for more tailored treatments in their daily clinical practice. On September 16th, @BJSurgery tweeted an article on tailored treatment for gallstone disease. You can see the tweet here:

You can also read the paper

The @NEJM has launched an explanatory video on early fluid resuscitation for acute pancreatitis:

On September 17th, @BjsOpen shared a very interesting study looking at use of PET-CT in regional lymph node assessment in colorectal cancer.  The tweet is here:

The paper can be read here:

A few days later, on September 24th, the never-ending discussion about lymph nodes continued with @BJSurgery tweeting the article “Lateral local recurrence after total mesorectal excision for mid/low rectal cancer.” The tweet is here:

The paper can be read at the following link:

It is always a hot topic: stoma or not stoma after rectal resections? @BJSurgery shared an interesting study titled “Transanal tube versus defunctioning stoma after low anterior resection for rectal cancer: network meta-analysis of RCTs” The tweet can be seen here:

The paper can be read here: 

The PelvEx collaborative guidelines have been published in @BJSurgery. The tweet can be seen here:

The manuscript can be read here:

The Spanish Society of Surgical Research @SEIQuirurgica, strategic partner of the BJS Society, held its 26th Congress in Gijon in late September. It began with an interesting session on Research and Surgery:

The @BJSurgery lecture of the 26th Congress of Sociedad Española de Investigaciones Quirúrgicas was introduced by @ProfDemartines and given by doctor Marja Boermeester @safesurg as part of the @BJSurgery session in Gijón on September 30th:


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