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BJS Academy SoMe Review for July 2022

Authors: Patricia Tejedor @tejedorpat, Anna Curell @annacurell, Rosa Jimenez Rodriguez @rosamjimenezrod, Julio Mayol @juliomayol

The first @BJSurgery tweet for July 2022: Appendicitis and DIAMONDs. Appendicitis is always in fashion for general surgeons.

An open access @BJSurgery paper reports the results of a randomized clinical trial comparing CT imaging with observation in early equivocal appendicitis. And the results are…

The paper can be read here

The tweet is here:

It had 10 retweets and 13 likes by August 7th 2022.

On July 1st  the European Hernia Society @eurohernias announced that they offered a EHS member a place in ‘Writing in Surgery’ course, organised by @BJSurgery.

The tweet is here:

with 8 retweets, 1 quote and 13 likes by August 7th 2022.

A new systematic review regarding the use of social media as a tool for general surgery education was tweeted on July 3rd by Surgical Endoscopy @SurgEndosc. Disseminating high-quality content on social media must be a priority for content creators and institutions.

The tweet is here:

with 16 retweets, 2 quote tweets and 43 likes by August 7th 2022.

The paper can be read here

@BJSOpen celebrated its new impact factor (IF) with a tweet on July 5th. The journal IF raised to 3.875 and it becomes a Q1 #openaccess journal. This is a fantastic achievement and the authors, the BJS Open editorial team and its readers must be congratulated.

The tweet is here:

The tweet had 17 retweets and 28 likes by August 7th.

On the same day, Rebecca Grossman @rebgross launched a poll on Twitter on July 5th. The drain debate never goes out of fashion, and she was interested in knowing more about her followers’ position after the publication of a @EuroSurg collaborative paper in @BJSurgery. The poll received 302 votes and you can see the results here:

The paper can be read here

On July 7th, @BJSurgery tweeted the link to the @reacctcollab paper titled “Impact of microsatellite status in early-onset colonic cancer”, which highlights the increased incidence of early-onset colonic cancer worldwide.

The tweet had 11 retweets, 1 quote tweet and 15 likes and is here:

The paper can be read here

On July 10th, @BJSOpen launched a poll on Twitter about the expected recurrent laryngeal nerve injury rate after a minimally invasive hemithyrodectomy via the axilla. The most voted response was 1.5% (33.3% of 36 votes).

The tweet is here:

with 5 retweets, 1 quote tweet, and 4 likes.

@BJSurgery announced on Twitter on July 8th, that the journal is looking for an Associate Editor.

The tweet is here:

with 30 retweets, 5 quote tweets and 48 likes.

On July 11th, @BJSOpen tweeted a paper on variation in the treatment of varicose veins in England. Unwarranted variation in access, quality and outcomes of surgical treatment is one of the key problems of modern healthcare systems. A population-based study published in @BJSOpen showed that geographic variation in the provision of treatment of varicose veins exists in England, and it is not due to demographic differences.

The tweet is here:

with 3 retweets, 1 quote tweet and 9 likes.

The paper can be read here

On July 13th, @BJSurgery editor, Des Winter (@deswinter) tweeted some questions about the Gloves Off section and the debate around collaborative research.

The tweet is here:

The paper can be read here

On July 19th, a YouTube video was posted by @BJSurgery. It shows how to make running sutures easy by using a simple technical gesture: the Cambridge Twist. The video is here:

The paper can be read here

A new strategy to improve outcomes after rectal cancer surgery attracted attention a lot of attention with a tweet on July 22nd (24 retweets, 1 quote tweet and 52 likes by August 7th 2022). @BJSurgery tweeted a link to the paper “Inferior mesenteric artery embolization ahead of rectal cancer surgery: AMIREMBOL pilot study”

The tweet is here:

The paper can be read here:

Abuse and harassment in surgery cannot be tolerated. Profound changes in culture and behavior are needed and @BJSurgery tweeted Rebecca Grossman @rebgross paper on July 23rd.

The high impact tweet (21 retweets, 1 quote tweet and 30 likes by August 7th 2022) is here:

The paper can be read here

The announcement of the #monkeypox outbreak becoming a public health emergency of international concern was tweeted by @WHO on July 23rd 2022. @DrTedros, Director-General of the World Health Organization @WHO, declared #monkeypox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

The tweet is here:

A related paper can be read here

Last but not least, a systematic review of compression after superficial venous insufficiency (SVÏ) treatment. On July 31st, @BJSurgery tweeted a link to a systematic review showing that although postprocedural compression after SVI treatment is beneficial, the optimal pressure and type of compression remain unclear. 

The tweet (8 retweets and 13 retweets by August 7th) is here:

The paper can be read here


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